Once Around The Park
This Is The Sound Of Music



 DKK 139,-

Catalouge no.
 STUCD 01102


In 1997 Once Around the Park received a Danish Grammy Award for their first cd "Unity". The music critics called it "unique" and "indispensable". Today it's a cult cd impossible to get hold of.
OATP can soon celebrate their 10-year anniversary. 
OATP work with a tight collective band sound. It's not five guys who play jazz, soloing by turns. It's intense, open and progressive music and not merely yet another brushing up of the music of the '60s. It's not avantgarde either, and not Weather Report or Miles. And yet there are bits of these ingredients - but mainly there's Once Around the Park. The music is not a style, but a means of expression. There are rich sheets of sound - free form in between, energy, great tunes - and no pretentious art.

Jakob Dinesen - Saxophone, Nikolaj Torp Larsen - Hammond, keys, Anders Christensen - Bass
Rune Funch - Guitar, Michael Finding - Drums
